Nov 5, 2021
Nov 5, 2021
Say “goodbye” to Instagram’s most coveted feature, the swipe-up, and say “hello” to Instagram link stickers. This feature is now available to all users regardless of follower count, verification status, or previous access to the former swipe-up feature. Everyone having access to sharing links via their Instagram Stories gives every account the opportunity to grow in the same way larger accounts do. Let’s look at the benefits of Instagram’s updated link sharing feature and how you can add it to your Instagram Stories.
You must be wondering why the shift to Instagram link stickers and if there are any added benefits to link stickers compared to the swipe-up. And the answer is YES. According to Instagram, Instagram story stickers play a major role in how users create and build their Stories. Here are some of the many benefits of using Instagram link stickers compared to the swipe-up.
They function the exact same way other Instagram Story stickers do such as the poll sticker, questions sticker, and more. Link stickers are easier to incorporate into your images and creative because there’s more creative liberty. You can resize link stickers and place them anywhere in the frame. You couldn’t do this with the swipe-up feature. You’re also not limited to just adding one Story sticker to your Stories. You can add multiple stickers in addition to a link sticker.
Since link stickers don’t live at the bottom of the Story frame like the swipe-up feature did, users can now reply or react the way they would other Stories that didn’t have a swipe-up link in it. This is a chance for followers to give meaningful feedback you can respond to directly.
Step 1: Tap the ‘+’ icon in the upper right corner of your screen. Then tap ‘Story’ on the bottom right of the window. Add the image you want to share in your story. Then to add your Instagram link sticker tap the ‘Sticker’ icon.
Step 2: After opening the Instagram Stories stickers window, tap the sticker that reads ‘Link’ below the search bar.
Step 3: A new window will open asking you to ‘Add Link’. Add the URL you want to link out to via your Stories and tap ‘Done.’
Step 4: Your link sticker will automatically add to the image or frame you’re sharing in your Stories. You can customize it and place it anywhere on the screen. After you’re finished customizing your image tap ‘Send to’ in the bottom right corner. Then tap ‘Share’ next to ‘Your Story.’
PLANOLY Pro-Tip: Adding other Instagram Stories stickers to emphasize your link sticker helps make it stand out on the frame. For example, in the image above for Step 4, we added two yellow doodle stickers on either side of the link sticker.
Compared to the swipe-up feature, Instagram link stickers give link-sharing capabilities to every account regardless of popularity or follower size. All businesses and creators can benefit from sharing links with their followers such as driving website traffic, generating sales, and gaining followers. However, since every account has access to link sharing, Instagram will monitor to ensure there’s no increased spread of misinformation. If any accounts continue to share misinformation via the link sticker they will get their Instagram link sticker privileges revoked.
Now that you know how to successfully link share using Instagram Stories’ link stickers, start using Stories as a way to drive traffic to your website or an affiliate code. The opportunities are endless!
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Instagram has introduced Link Stickers. In this blog post, we'll talk about who has access to this feature and how to use it on your own Stories.